Sunday, July 12, 2009


personally, i liked magic very much. there was a magic performance that impressed me the most by David soccerfield. the performance was touching, it was about the first magic he learned specially for the hamster lying in the warden bed. first, he took a tissue paper and made it into a rose shape. after that, he burnt the tissue paper and a real rose appeared in his fist. he then slowly place the rose beside his beloved hamster. at that instance, his hamster stop breathing and passed away. i remembered that it was a live performance and many people were at the scene. David soccerfield explained that this magic was not in his rehersal, but was brought in last minute as his hamster suddenly feel pain in its stomach just before the perfromance. i could recalled that the crowd burst into tears as the machine indicated the hamster's heart stopped. i was really a touching performance. that was really the best and most touching performance that impressed me.


i think that it is true that everyone can learn to be good at sport as long as they work hard. many people told me, " 1%talent 99%hard work" and i truly believe it. though talent is important in sports, but hard work is the key to success. the reason why some people are better in sport might be that they put in much more effort than others, or they simply have the talent. but by having the talent is not enough. its like an uncut ruby, ugly though expensive. after the ruby is cut, the price will rise tremendously. its like a person with talent in sport, even though their skills are great, if they work hard, their skill would be unlimited. sometimes the 1% of talent is just so important that makes a person unbeatable. however, as long as someone gives it his best and enjoy the process or playing, i believe its the most important and he would be a winner in everyone's heart. i think that it is not quite fair to say that men are better at sport than women. in a race, most man can run faster than a woman is because of the burden a woman had in front of their chest. but the technique used by a woman would not lose to a man. if there is a theory test in sports, i believe that the score of a woman and a man would not differ. but what would differ is the score of a slacker and a hardworking one.


i have been to many different kinds of beautiful places, but the one most unforgettable was the singapore zoo. at first, i was reluctant to go there with my family, as it was a hot day, and i thought the zoo was an extremely boring place. after i went there, i being to enjoy it. the chirping of the birds, the roaring of the lion and the hissing of the snake make me feel as though i am in a jungle. the nature was just too beautiful. the sight of the animal living in peace make me feel relax, and i had the urge to live with them. as we traveled on, we came across a house full of colourful butterflies. it make me realise that life has a lot of clours and we must make use of our heart to feel them. when we were about to leave, i was abit reluctant ultil me parents told me that we would visit the singapore zoo again someday. i would definetly recommend the zoo to others, as it allows one to gain tons of experience and at the same time, enjoy themselve.


to me, my favorite hairstyle is anything that is comfortable. i prefer short and tidy hair than long and exaggerating hair. firstly, short hair is easier to wash, and short hair minimize my sweat from a hot day. long hair on the other hand, is a lot difficult to wash and causes me to sweat more. despite the fact that i like short hair, i do not really enjoy going to the hairdresser as i think that it is a waste of my precious time. these time could be used studying and playing. that is the reason why i will let the hairdresser cut my hair to semi-bald each time i go there. this way, i do not have to visit the barber until a long time. to me, hairstyle is important as it reflects one's character and attitude.

Monday, July 6, 2009

DAY 10

this picture shows a scene of a nursing home. there were lots of elderly. 2 young people were standing in the middle of the room performing. they could be teaching the elderly how to dance from the fact that almost all elderly were intimidating the performers. the fact that some elderly did not follow the performers might due to the fact that they were not happy in the nursing home and so did not bother doing it. those that were intimidating seems happy and excited. the 2 chef from the kitchen got curious and looked at the performers too. i think that getting the elderly to do these might be a good way to allow them to forget about those unfilal child of theirs and at the same time, have some fun


this picture depict a scene of a garden. many people were in the garden, they were mainly kids. in the foreground, a woman was playing a game with a bunch of children. it was about a hen protecting her chicks from a bad wolf. the woman was playing the role of the hem while the chicks were the children and one little boy was the bad wolf. they seem to enjoy themselves as they all have a wide smile on their faces. at the background, the same game was being played. maybe after the game, everyone will have a drinks to quench their thirst.


this picture despite a scene of a stadium. there are many people in the stadium and 3 girls were at the foreground. they seems excited, it could be due to the fact that they were watching a race where their school is leading. the second girl from the left seems extremely excited as she is jump up and down.


this picture shows a scene where a man in a wheelchair is being rolled up into a vehicle. many people were surrounding the man. judging by the looks on their faces, they must be feeling sad for him. a young man is pulling the wheelchair up into the vehicle, he could be the son of the man. he has a smile on his face which indicate that he was happy as he was helping the man in the wheelchair. the other man in the vehicle might be the driver as he was helping the man in the wheelchair to get into the vehicle. the man in the vehicle might be going to the beach or park to enjoy himself next.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


This picture despite a scene of a barber where all the workers are women. there are many tools on the big table at the foreground, like siccors, hair clipper, and a bottle of hair conditioner. all the women were practicing their hair-cutting skills on dummy's head. the woman on the extreme left seems pretty serious about the practice, she must had lots of passion in this job. those women in the middle all seem to enjoy themselves while doing the practice, cutting hair must be real fun for them.despite all these, the women on the extreme right seem bored as though she does not like doing this. it may be due to the fact the she thinks the practice is too easy for her.