Thursday, March 5, 2009

WEEK 13+14!!!

While traveling through the woods to paya lebar, noises that nettle us could be heard. Knowing that this is not a haven, we tried to hasten our footsteps. Out of the blue, i could hear a soft voice calling for help coming from deep jungle. Though it was soft, but it was incontrovertible that someone was calling for help. I scurried toward the voice while trying to ask my team to follow me. As we ventured in, the voice became stentorian. Image of a man could be seen as we got closer. Finally, we found a man tied tightly onto a tree. " What a fimiliar face," i thought. As we were about to untie the ropes, i suddenly remembered the person. " KUNG FU MASTER!" i screamed at the top of my voice. There there was, a moment of shock and silent. It was then, a torpedo came rushing in the direction of the wanted man. I immediatly took out my golden bat and samshed it at the lethal weapon with all my strength. The torpedo then drop dead onto the floor. "Why did you..." asked baldy. " If the mammoth torpedo razed him, he's going to be shattered into pieces. How am i suppose to hand him to the police that way?" i replied. Shocked by our conversation, the wanted man quickly confessed that actually an organiszation was spaying him to destroy the gatekepper of the "paya utopia". Driven by greed, kung fu master agreeded and dealt with the gatekepper. " Why do they want entrance to the utopia?" piggy asked. "There's a weapon that is belived to be able to help its' wielder subjugate the world" said kung fu master. "They must be on thier way there," kung fu master added on. " Not wanting to pay you, they tied u to the tree, am i right?" i questioned. nodding his head, i could sensed regret in the wanted man heart. Then, a brillant idea struck my mind, i ask my team if they wanted to let kungfumaster join our team. "He might have their database, this is defitnely propitious to us." i remineded baldy and piggy. Through a round of disscusion, our ultimate desicion was to let him in. kung fu master was also happy to hear the news. Therefore, we set forth our journey in pursue of the orginazation and to find a perfect comic book.


At March 12, 2009 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Ichthyosaur said...

woah nice story=)very funny and nice.. good usage of words! keep it up

At March 12, 2009 at 6:29 PM , Blogger black'n'white ; said...

nice story , and good usage of words . :D
look forward to your next story !


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